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Damian, 43     
Birkenhead, United Kingdom
visited 4 days ago

Search profiles

Looking for: a man 18 - 30 years old in United Kingdom
Dating purpose: friendship, love, marriage, meet up

About myself

Work for asda in my 22nd year now gamily means everything to me. Hate animal abuse heart of gold but wallet of cobwebs. Would love to find someone who has a passion for motorbikes and could teach me also i love the smell and the material leather

Dating in other languages

Languages:  English
Looking for dating in other languages:  English

Profile verification

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Personal information

Marital status: single
Children: none
Country of birth: United Kingdom
Education: secondary
Income: below the average
Accommodation: with parents


Weight: 276 lb (125 kg)
I look: average
Build: big
Skin: tanned
Eyes color: brown
Hair length: short
Hair type: straight
Hair color: brown
Body: piercings

Country and religion

Religion: Christianity
Military service: did not serve


Day regimen: "early bird"
Smoking: no
Alcohol attitude: sometimes
Favourite alcoholic beverage: whisky cola
Type of food: standard

Character and hobbies

Favourite music: pop, rock, hard rock, metal, R&B, dance music, classic
Interests: politics and news, tv / video, movies, animals, shopping, music, reading, sports
Personal qualities: quiet, responsible, consider others, easy-going, sensitive, hardworking, perfectionist

Additional information

Pet: cat
Car driving license: none
Personal transport: none

Also commonly looking for:

Profile address:
user number: 13751425
photo of 4
Damian, 43
Birkenhead, United Kingdom
I am seeking a man 18-30 years

Work for asda in my 22nd year now gamily means everything to me. Hate animal abuse heart of gold but wallet of cobwebs. Would love to find someone who...
visited 4 days ago